Born in Madrid.
Currently he works and resides in Stockholm.
Graduated in Kungl. Konsthögskolan (Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm) in 2016.
Studied Fine Arts in Complutense University of Madrid in 2013.
Graduated in Audiovisual Communication at Universidad Europea (Madrid) in 1999.
Founder of Flat Octopus, an artist-run collective started in 2019.


#ArtWindowFridhemshamn. Site-specific installation, Stockholm. Curated by DuoContradiction. [more info].
Framed: light entertaiment. Group exhibition at Detroit Stockholm.[more info].
Albyleden. A walk-art project curated by CATE group (Botkyrka). [more info].

I Skogen. Land Art Group exhibition at Alster Herrgården (Karlstad). [more info].
Fashion District. Group exhibition at Durden and Ray, Los Angeles, US. Curated by Fosforita Madrid. [more info].
Land Art 2023 Dikemark. Site-specific group show at Dikemark (Norway)). [more info].
Shapes of Vitality. Group exhibition at Wonzimer, Los Angeles, US. Curated by Abir Boukhari (AllArtNow). [more info].

Camiños Creativos. Group exhibition at Museo Gaiás, Cidade da Cultura, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. [more info].
Wanderscapes. Jorddykare i Jönköping. Two walking projects commissioned by Österängens Konsthall. [more info].
Landscapes of other places. Joined exhibition with Tilde Hansen curated by Alice Máselníková (Flat Octopus). Supermarket Art Fair 2022. Skärholmen. Stockholm [more info].
Plant Travels. Together with Ivana Králíková in collaboration with Flock projects [more info].
Performing sustainability. Exhibition with publications from the course The Photographic Artist’s Book. Konstakademien. Stockholm [more info].
Pilgrims on Gotland. Playing the game. Artwork performance at Konstakademien, Stockholm. Arranged by Flat Octopus.
The voice of a Tree. Sound performance in collaboration with Maria Lundberg.

Utomjordingar i Norrköping. An art project for Kulturnatten in Norrköping. Together with Ivana Králíková in collaboration with Flock projects [more info].
Wanderscapes: Jordad – Närvaro och nya vägar. Participatory walks commisioned by Fullersta Gård, Huddinge Kommun (Stockholm) [more info].
Ett Samarbete Med Fittjas Jord, presented by Alby-Hjulsta Pilgrimage (together with Ivana Králíková) curated by Flock, Verkstad Konsthall, Norrköping [more info].
Urban Fabric. Solo exhibition at Infanta Elena Art Hall, Águilas (Spain) [more info].

Ett samarbete med Fittjas Jord. Workshop program in collaboration with Ivana Králikóva. Botkyrka Kommun, Stockholm. [more info].
Walking with myself, walking with you. Joined exhibition with Alice Máselníková. AllArtNow Lab, Stockholm. [more info].
Fase 0. Walking project. Águilas, Spain [more info].

Härifrån. Collective Show. Botkryka Konsthall. Fittja, Sweden [more info].
Wanderscapes: undersöka Norra Botkyrka. Participatory walks. [more info].
Timeswicth. Collaborative Show with Ingrid Bjørnseth. EKS-rummet. Copenhagen [more info].
The City Shines Every Day with New Stories. Collective Show, curated by Abir Boukhari. Wip:sthlm. Stockholm
Alby Walk. Performance. Walking Festival of Sound, Stockholm [more info].

Hybrid festival. Collective Show. Espacio Latente. Madrid [more info].
Wanderscapes: Apostlahästar i Stockholm, Collaborative Project. Stockholm. [more info].
Hansavandrigsled. Designing a tourist path in Gotland. Commissioned by Region Gotland.
Vandrar till Månen. Research Walk-Project, Stockholm. [more info].

Apostlahästar på Gotland, Art Research Project. Gotland. [more info].
Mind Department, R-Lab show. Mindepartementet Gallery, Stockholm
S:t Jacobsleden. Art Research Project. Stockholm. [more info].

A Pilgrim Way on Gotland. Art Research Project. Gotland. [more info].
Öns Röst. Sound Intervention. Pilgrim Week - Lat 63 art arena, Frösön [more info].
Brucebo's artist-in-residence. "Apostlahästar på Gotland". GocArt Gallery, Visby
Johan Tobias Sergel and his friends. "Collect Yourself". Collective Exhibition. MFA Graduate Show, Stockholm [more info].

Solo show. "Vi är har". Galleri Mejan, Stockholm. [more info]
S:t Olavsleden. A Scandinavian sacred route. Research artistic project. Sweden-Norway-Spain. [more info]
Collective Exhibition. "Exhibiting Painting". OpenArt Biennale, Órebro.
KKH MA1 Show. FAFA Gallery, Helsinki.
Collective Exhibition. "Exhibiting Painting". Kuva/Tila Gallery, Helsinki . [more info]

Public Space Intervention. "Efter Mörker Ljus". Brunkebergstunneln, Stockholm . [more info]
Installation. "Ta med hjem". Harbakka Workshop. Bergen, Norway. [more info]
Drawings & video. "Jordens Ljus" .The Rest of Us Colective Exhibition. Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm [more info]
Project. "Dag=Natt" Mellanrummet. Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm [more info]

Project. "Kometen Kommer Tillbaka Igen". Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm [more info]
Painting. "El Negro no es un color. Azul " Collective Exhibition in El Cubo, Las Rozas, Madrid

Drawing . Más que Libros. 1st Artist Book Fair of Madrid. Fine Arts UCM Stand. Madrid
Drawing . El libro como espacio de creación. Fine Arts UCM Librery.

Photography. "Tierra Domesticada" Exhibition in San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid
Photography. "Tierra Domesticada" Exhibition in Tarifa, Cádiz

Photography. "Tierra" Collective Exhibition in La Casa Encendida, Madrid

Photography. “Parejas" Exhibition en Más cornadas da el hambre, Madrid
Photography. "Parejas" Exhibition in Casa de la Juventud de Manzanares El Real

Photography. "Estética de La Alhambra" Collective Exhibition in Colegio Arquitectos, Madrid

Photography. "Estética de La Alhambra" Collective Exhibition in Palacio Carlos V, Granada

2020- PhD candidate in Fine Arts at Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
2014-2016 MA in Art from Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm.
2013-2014 Erasmus program at Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm.
2009-2013 Fine Arts at Complutense University of Madrid.
1995-1999 BA in Media at European University of Madrid.

2021/22 The Photographic Artist’s Book: Performing sustainability. Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm. (60 credits )
2019/20 Site and Participant. Stockholms Dramatiska Högskola. ( S7149 | 30 credits )
2017/18 Site and Situations. Konstfack, Stockholm. (DIF003 | 30 credits)
2016/17 Research-Lab: Architecture, Cities, Utopia. Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm ( ATHI03 | 30 cred)

2022 Mentor of Stella Kruusamägi, student of Master of Choreography. Stockholms Dramatiska Högskola.
2020 Mushroom Hunting. Workshop for "Collective Re-Making of Time" at Kungl. Konsthögskolan. Professor: Petra Bauer
2019 Trailing. Workshop-trip in Stockholm and Madrid. Kungl. Konsthögskolan. Professor: Sophie Tottie.
2016 Cyanotype. Workshop. Kungl. Konsthögskolan. Teacher: Jenny Olsson.

2021 Urban Fabric #21. Installed at Tumba Bibliotek (Borkytka Kommun).

Two years Arbetsstipendium, Konstnärsnämnden
Björkö Konstnod, AiR BKN, Studio Grant (Sweden)
Björkö Konstnod, AiR BKN, Studio Grant (Sweden)
Extension Art Space (Stockholm, Sweden)
Walking as Practice, AiR BKN, Studio Grant, (Sweden)
Arbetsstipendium, Konstnärsnämnden
AiF Residency at Abramsgården (Vårö, Finland)
Artist Residency at Smedbyn (Österängens Konsthall, Sweden)
Artist Residency at Zengården, Sweden
Kreativa Fonden. Botkyrka Kommun
Stockholm Stad
Kreativa Fonden. Botkyrka Kommun
AIR_BALTIC (Baltic Art Center)
Brucebo Stipendium
S:t Olavsleden. KKH Artistic Research funding.
Stalker walk Stalker. Tallin (EST) – Artist-in-residency.
AAA Stiftelsen grant.
Wilhemsmith grant.
Swedish Research Polar Station, Abisko (SWE) – Artist-in-residency.
Hardbakka, Bergen (NOR) – Artist-in-residency.
Wilhemsmith grant.
AAA Stiftelsen grant.
Erasmus program.

2023 Crossover. Group exhibition at Studio44 (Stockholm)
2023 Practices of Abstraction. Art&Science event in collaboration with Cluster 8 and Weld (Stockholm)
2023 Trädgården hemma hos mig. Anna Cherednikova. Exhibition at Residence Botkyrka, Fittja (Stockholm)
2022 På bio. Joanna Sieradzka. Exhibition at Bio Aspen, Stockholm
2022 Filippa Wikner, Flat Octopus Exhibition Case at Färgfabriken
2021 "Organismo Vivo / Levande Organism". Marta Pinilla. Performance at Naturhistoriska riksmuseet.
2021 Maria Lundberg, Flat Octopus Exhibition Case at Färgfabriken
2019 "The Non-Seen Stage". Anna Taina-Nielsen. Flat Octopus’ show.

2019 Apostlahästar på Gotland. A ‘secular’ pilgrimage as an art-based research method. Project’s Presentation in Research Week 2019 of Royal Institute of Art.
2017 "Walking toward the meeting of Saint Olav". Book release. Instituto Cervantes, Stockholm.
2016 “Gotland. En ö. En led.”. Presentation event of the project A Pilgrim Way on Gotland
     S:t Olavsleden. Project’s Presentation in Research Week 2016 of Royal Institute of Art.
     Talk about the exhibition ‘This way’ by Stephen Willats. Saturday tours of Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation. Stockholm

2020 “Rådande situation”. SAK catalog. 500 copias. 2018 “Wanderscapes: Apostlahästar i Stockholm”. Project’s publication.
2018 “Site and Situations”. Postgraduated course’s book.
2017 “Architecture. Cities. Utopias”. R_LAB catalog.
2016 "Walking toward the meeting of Saint Olav". A rtist's book.
2012 “Más que libros” Fair Catalog . Photo and artist book refenrece.
2012 “El libro como proceso de creación” exhibition catalog. Complutense University of Madrid
2009 "Tierra Domesticada". Revista Room nº 6. La Fábrica Editorial. Artwork's report
2008 "LA TIERRA (Manual de Uso)". Fundación Acciona. Collaboration with photo artwork
1997 "La poética de la ciudad. La ciudad de la Alhambra", catalog of art schoolarship

Jury Spotlight Award of Gotland Game Conference for “Pilgrims on Gotland”, 2023
Photography Marathon Award of Caja Madrid “Díptico" and 2 special mentions. 2004
Award for the best animation movie: "EL TIC". 2003
Finalist in 2004 for "TOUT SERA COMME VANT"
Award for best script and nominations for the best lmajer and the best actress for "SALSA CONYUGAL " in II Certamen de Cortometrajes de la UEM 1998

August 2012. XIV International Course of Contemporany Ceramica, Pontevedra
August 2011. XIII International Course of Contemporany Ceramica, , Pontevedra
November 2010. Ceramic Course of Smoke decoration by Mara García, Martiherreros
July 2010. Cátedra Francisco de Goya. Course on modelling byFrancisco López, Ávila
July 2006. Photography Course by Pablo Genovés, Llanes, Asturias
July 1997. Schoolarship of "Estética en La Alhambra" Course. Photo and video, Granada


info [at]

[SWE] +46 700 505 609
[ESP] +34 620 814 398

Lives in Stockholm, Sweden

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For me, art is a reflection of the world in which we live. A work of art represents the engagement between a specific space and a particular experience. I have discovered that walking is the best way to interact with one’s surroundings and facilitate extraordinary experiences for the audience. Through the act of walking, my mind, spirit, and body connect, allowing me to feel fully present. In this way, I use walking as a device for art production. Therefore, I do it in two ways: when I walk with people and when I walk alone.

Primarily, I facilitate walks where participants can approach their everyday environment from a different perspective and imagine new possibilities. By encouraging participants to engage with their surroundings in a contemplative and meaningful way, a spontaneous community forms, united by the collective experience of exploration and discovery.

When walking alone, it becomes both a source of inspiration and a channel for art production. This process enables me to immerse myself in the environment, capturing the subtleties of light, sound, and texture that might otherwise go unnoticed. In my studio, I analyze my experiences, translating ephemeral moments into tangible forms. The resulting artworks are not only a testament to the journey itself but also a trace of my way of understanding the world.


I see the map as a writer confronts the empty page.
I cross lines on the map as a painter dabs brush strokes on the canvas.
I move through the space with a sculptor's perspective.
Following the steps of our ancestors,
I invite you to walk together to explore our place in the world.

Juanma González
Alby, June 2024